My Heart Offerings



Sexual Healing Sessions For Women

Shamanic Womb Healing 

sessions for women healing sexual trauma, shame, menstrual issues & imbalances, womb pain, infertility, miscarriage, abortion, birth trauma, other womb / sexual health issues or for those simply looking to build a deeper & more powerful relationship with their womb, body & sexual self.

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Sexual Healing For Men

Sex, Love & Intimacy Coaching 

1:1 coaching sessions for men curious about tantra & sacred sexuality, or who are wanting to become better lovers, attract more aligned partners &/or experience deeper & more fulfilling relationships.

Book a Curiosity Call

Shamanic Bodywork & Intuitive Healing

Sacred Touch

our body built by our mother's, carries within it's cellular memory: traumas, stories, pain, blockages, gifts, treasures, lessons... In this shamanic somatic healing session, you will have the container & support to release the stuck emotions & karmic ancestral material from your physical, energetic & emotional body, so that you can experience greater pleasure & wellness. 

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Tantra, Intimacy & Erotic Bodywork

Couples Private Sessions

Are you and your lover wanting to deepen your connection? Wanting to explore new ways of sacred relating, to feel closer, to learn how you can love each other better, clear up areas of disconnection? Or wanting to have a mutual nourishing erotic bodywork session? Sessions can be tailored to suit a variety of desires & intentions, & are generally 2.5 - 3 hrs & start at $750.

Please book a consult call to discuss the what kind of couples session will best serve you and your partner.

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Sacred Sexuality & Tantra

Practitioner's Peer Support Group 

are you a professional in this beautiful and challenging field? Could you benefit from having a trusted council of highly-skilled practitioners in your corner, to consult with and share your process with as a practitioner? We hold so much space for others, and not everyone can hold space for us to share openly about our sacred work. This is a sacred space for you to cultivate & tap into a community of highly-respected, knowledgable & wise practitioners to support you in your spiritual & professional evolution as a fellow practitioner.

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