I’m Haazel
I am in love with the Supreme Goddess Gaia, & know in my bones that it is time for the Divine Feminine to reawaken & live in full power & love.
My spiritual journey of reclamation & healing has led me to this moment, leaning into my calling to serve the planet as a guide for my brothers & sisters awakening at this time.
I am here to share the medicine of my experience & gnosis to activate & unleash the primal & sublime power of the embodied feminine on this planet.
Ultimately, my aim is to restore cosmic balance in our world, end the cycle of sexual violence, and heal the wombs of our women, so that we may birth heaven on earth & come back into right relationship with Gaia and all our relations.

My Womb Awakening Journey…
began on a medicine journey, when I first felt this deep primordial desire in my womb to carry a child & be a mother. It was unlike anything I had ever felt, it was a beautifully soul-wrenching desire.
Shortly after, I joined my first womb circle with Priestess Cherezade Aanya who is an initiate in the Fountain of Life Mystery School, founded by Azra & Seren Betrand - authors of the renowned book Womb Awakening.
The next two years were BIG ONES! The first year, I put most of my focus on building a relationship with my womb for the first time. I started to learn her language. I started off with a lot of apologies & pain, processing the trauma & transgressions, me & my lineage had endured and allowed. I began practicing conscious menstruation & attuning myself to the lunar cycle, while also ending an abusive relationship.
The next year, I joined her second womb circle, to dive a layer deeper. I began calling in relational healing with the masculine, & had some deeply profound experiences that have helped me to shed and express DEEEEEEP layers of grief & ancient pain. As I recovered from NPD abuse, I found new levels of my power, as I came into relationship with my boundaries, and my rage, which was a catalyst for my throat chakra healing work. And, I began exploring shamanic menstruation, freebleeding, & the blood mysteries.
I have since read the epic 400-page womb mysteries manual - Womb Awakening, (many times over) & continue to deepen my studies in the ancient lineage of Isis & transmissions of Mary Magdalene, and the lineage of the Rose.
Along my path, I completed the level 1 & level 2 immersive trainings with the International School of Temple Arts in 2020, studying & practicing sexual shamanism, sacred sexuality, transpersonal sexuality, & somatic trauma healing. Shortly after, I stepped fully onto my priestess path, & began sharing the modalities, teachings & tools that helped me to heal my womb, body, and heart, transitioning out of my former career as a consultant and fully embraced my calling. In 2022, completed & assisted the ISTA Practitioner's Training, as well engaged in an apprenticeship with Amara Karuna, studying, offering and teaching Sacred Pelvic Healing Massage.©
Everyday, I continue to learn and expand my skill, wisdom & practice.
I am now actively hosting private sexual healing temples, & practicing tantra & sex magick. I continue to journey deeper into this mysterious portal of pleasure and magick… My womb speaks to me clearly now, fully connected to my heart & is my greatest guide in life. I relish in my bleeding time & no longer suffer from debilitating cramps. I continue to journey deeper into the mysteries of the womb, as I still hold the deep prayer for motherhood.
It is my joy & privilege to support women ready to embark on their feminine reclamation journey of embodied healing, unlocking their fullest expression of pleasure, power & purpose.
& I feel honored to initiate the awakening masculine into the womb mysteries & support conscious men in embodying sacred sexuality, remembering the ways of right relationship, for those walking the divine warrior path of Love.

My Soul Purpose, My Dharma
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My mission is to make sure every woman on this planet knows the sacredness of her body, the power of her pleasure, & her divine role in the co-creating cosmic balance in the universe.
I see a world of sisters living in lusciousness. I see no more babies born into traumatized wombs. I see evolved men, healed and well, fucking their women to GOD. I see men & women in deep honor, reverence & partnership with one another. I see pleasure & juiciness dripping from our souls. I see everyone living in the radiance that comes from being met deeply & loved to the core. I see us living turned on by life! I see activated womb portals manifesting miracles through sex magick. I see Gaia flourishing... nurtured, & worshiped. I feel Heaven, here on Earth.

My Professional Background
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Before embracing the Priestess Path, I spent a number of years, as a Vision Midwife & Evolutionary Brand Consultant.
Collaborating with luminaries, to birth (r)evolutionary businesses devoted to cultural transformation & leaving legacies of love, wellness & prosperity. By consulting leaders on the spiritual, strategic & tactical dimensions of materializing their dreams and visions, I helped people cultivate brands & lifestyles that were in integrity with their unique soul blueprint & serve our planets’ highest good.
My unique approach integrated conscious dream-life design, feminine-masculine rebalancing, embodiment, and the integration of regenerative earth-based wisdom, so that we can each live a life of delicious dharma as fully activated beings bringing our planet into balance, harmony & wellness.
And what a wonderful and useful background to have!
In August 2023, leveraging my background, I co-founded the Ministry of the Eternal Rose (PMA) with 2 of my dearest sisters, and opened the Temple of Sacred Arts in Seattle, WA - birthing a modern day priestess temple dedicated to embodied healing & reclaiming the sacred. Weaving a web of sisters, working together to share our medicine with the world and cultivate a safe and beautiful space for our spiritual work & transformational healing offerings.
As a Ministry, in 1 year, we have hosted more than 50 ceremonial gatherings, temples, trainings, workshops and healing events, serving more than 1,000 people in the greater Seattle area.
Some of the events I have personally facilitated include:
- Love Thyself Women's Embodiment Group Program
- Yoni Dearmoring Ceremonies for Wombyn
- Tantric Datenight
- Community Bodylove Temple
- Intro to the Womb Grail Gates: Shamanic Womb Drum Journey
- Sacred Sex Education Classes
- Pelvic Healing Massage Trainings
- The Art of Lovership - Couples Workshop
- & more!

More About Me
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Siyo Tso Si Gwo.
A number of years ago, I had the privilege & honor of being initiated in the Mayan lands as a Young Abuela (Grandmother), in an elders’ council, apprenticing in the ancient wisdom ways of a mixture of lineages from Mesoamerica. I gathered with this elder's council for 3 solstices, as children of a New & Ancient consciousness, in service with prophecies of the Eagle, the Condor, & the Quetzal, the unification of the tribes, and the healing of mother Earth. To this day, I am in council with these elders.
This work calls deeply to my heart, as a mixed blood European-Native, building relationship with my ancestors. My ancestors are Creek, Shawnee, Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, German, Russian, English & Welsh. My Cherokee ancestors are Paint (medicine) Clan & Wolf (warrior) Clan. I am a hereditary witch via my Irish/Scottish Grandma.
I currently live on Snoqualmie land, (outside of Seattle) in a yurt in the woods with my family. I have a passion for plant medicine, herbalism, gardening, reading, learning languages, dancing, singing, drumming, & making everything into art.
I have a deep relationship with grandmother medicine, mushrooms & plant medicines of many kinds. The lineages that have most heavily influenced my path include the Yawanawa, Huni Kuin, Shipibo, Maya, Toltec, Mexica, and Azteca.
Additionally, I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, a student in the School of Evolutionary Herbalism, a student in Academy of Oracle Arts with Isis Indriya, a student of Temple Tribal Fusion dance with Tenley Wallace, and have completed 2 years toward my 4 year commitment at the Chicuauhtlimetztli California Moondance - (an indigenous prayer ceremony for women).
I am a manifesting generator. Pisces Sun. Pisces Moon. Scorpio Rising. North Node in Capricorn. Venus & Mars conjunct in Aquarius, and Mercury in Aries.

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