It is your time to heal

I'm here to guide & support you 





hello sacred soul,

I'm Haazel (Hannah).

intimacy & embodiment guide .

shamanic bodyworker & healing arts practitioner .

witch & womb priestess .

specializing in: trauma & nervous system healing . sacred sexuality . pelvic & womb healing . emotional wellbeing . grief & rage tending . healing the heart .





serving those who are ready to dive deep...


I'm here to help you heal trauma & resolve the spiritual, emotional & mental blocks & burdens that keep you from living your most desirable & soulgasmic life.


I can assist you in eliminating the recurring toxic patterns keeping you small, burnt-out, uninspired, bitter, depressed, disconnected, unwell & unfulfilled, by helping you find & heal the root(s) of it all.
Do you wish you could unlock your erotic potential, your sexual power & aliveness, enhance your life-force & vitality, as well as the degree of safety & comfort you feel in your body, so you can expand your capacity for pleasure, tap into new depths of your power, embody your authentic truth, & live your most tantalizing & delectable life?


You Can. Healing is possible.


You can create a life that cracks your heart open & sets your soul on fire 🔥 🌹 
... that turns you on & inspires you to wake up everyday
... a life that brings tears of ineffable gratitude to your eyes

... yes, you can have healthy relationships, mind-blowing orgasms & heart-melting love in your life


It might not be easy, but it can be ease-ful with the help of a guide. AND it's worth it. You are worth it. Your dreams are worth it.

Your healing isn't just for you, it is for everyone in your life, who will benefit from your healing.

Personal Healing  =>  Relational Healing  =>  Planetary Healing

When we heal ourselves, we help heal the world.


are you ready to feel more joy, peace & pleasure?

my specialties are:
  • shamanic sexual healing & energy clearing
  • tantric bodywork & sacred pelvic healing massage 
  • feminine & masculine embodiment, & polarity work
  • emotional release work (grief, rage, fear, anxiety, etc.)
  • nervous system re-patterning & regulation 
  • deep listening, loving presence, & somatic unwinding
  • throat chakra healing, opening the voice & power reclamation
  • love, intimacy & relationship coaching
  • boundaries & consent education
  • pleasure mapping, trauma release & yoni de-armoring
  • ancestral healing
  • sex magick & conscious transformational kink
  • womb awakening, sacred sexuality & the feminine mysteries 
  • herbal medicine for sexual & emotional health


people often come to work with me, when therapy is no longer helping, or the western medical system has left them feeling lost & let down... when people have had enough, and are ready to pull out all the stops and create deep and lasting change in their lives. 

Learn More About Me


“Truly committing to Love will take you on the royal road of the soul. Not only will you pass through all your own personal wounds and ancestral wounds, but it will also lead you through the valley of the original sacred wound of humanity—when sacred duality became separation. This is what we may call the feminine Christ path. We do not sit up on a mountain and ignore the valley beneath us—we walk down, flooding all experiences with Love and forgiveness, restoring connection.” 

Azra Bertrand,  Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life

there are many ways to work together


ranging the full spectrum - from transformational workshops, retreats & group programs, to trainings, sacred ceremonies, private temples, to couples sessions & 1:1 coaching & healing sessions (online & in person in Seattle, WA).

I have a range of offerings that serve men, women & people of all genders. There are many ways I can support you in your journey. 

Don't see exactly what you're looking for? Reach out. 🙏 


Monthly Events

At the Temple of Sacred Arts

Join us in Seattle, for sacred ceremonies, temple nights, healing or embodiment workshops, sisterhood circles, sex ed classes, pelvic healing massage trainings, and more! 

Peruse the Calendar

1:1 Session Packages

In-Person Embodied Healing

Holistic healing & embodiment sessions can include a mix of shamanic bodywork, coaching, embodiment practices, emotional release work, rituals, & more. 3-session minimum, starting at $1500. Sessions are 2.5 - 3 hrs long. Payment plans available. 🙏 

Apply to Work With Me

Mentorship & Signature Programs

Deep Dive Journeys

For those who want the deep deep. This is where you receive high-level mentorship & support for an extended period of time creating the most lasting and impactful transformation. 

Explore the Portals

what my clients say

After years of therapy, I came to Hannah for help healing sexual trauma, which was making it difficult to connect fully in the ways I wanted to. I found her presence to be both powerful and disarming. She was with me through some very difficult emotional releases & earned my respect and trust with her capacity, professionalism, and intuitive care. I have done 3 sessions with Hannah and will do more because of how much progress I made with her. I feel more confident, less ashamed of my body, and am better equipped to handle triggers when they happen. I highly recommend Hannah for people dealing with the results of sexual abuse or body shame to relaim your body for you.
with love,


a few of my

Sacred 1:1 Offerings


Shamanic Womb / Sexual Healing

  • Menstrual issues, painful periods or infertility?
  • Unhealthy sexual patterns or sexual trauma? feeling unsafe in your body?
  • birth injuries?
  • disconnected from your deepest pleasure, power & intuition?
  • disconnected from your true feminine essence?
  • living in your masculine - burnt-out & tired?
  • struggling with boundaries & your intimate relationships, attracting toxic partners?
  • Unable to access orgasmic states? Physical pain with intercourse?
Be Held, Deeply Supported & Gently Guided in Your Womb Healing Journey


Shamanic Bodywork 

holistic hands-on healing sessions  |  Seattle, WA

Shamanic Bodywork is about integrating the physical & emotional body. It is about clearing trauma from our cellular memory, releasing stuck emotions, practicing presence & deep listening, while inviting pleasure as medicine, supporting us in accessing higher states of consciousness & increasing our vitality and overall sense of wellness. Honoring all parts of the body, these sessions are deep, intimate & profoundly healing.

Apply to work with me

1:1 Coaching

So Much More is Possible

If you aren't inspired by your love life, your relationships, your sexual experiences, then there is work to be done & I'm HERE for it.

I've been blessed to tap into utterly soulgasmic possibilities & I'm here to make sure you get to experience this mind-blowing magick too.


the power is yours... will you claim it?

“Creation is a love story;

we are created to fall in love,

to be love in love with love."

Azra Bertrand




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✨ 💭 ✨ 


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